Dealing With Uncertainty
by the Maia Team

We are all living with an uncertain reality.
Uncertainty creates anxiety. A person might be better able to cope with the certainty of a negative outcome, than with a totally uncertain outcome. The only certainty, really, is that the situation is uncertain.
So how are different people dealing with uncertainty?
Those who panic and over-prepare
Those who panic and over-prepare are the ones who become very anxious about what is coming and try desperately to clutch onto anything they can control, such as shopping or cleaning. So they go into survival mode and empty the shelves of groceries and toilet paper. They may become obsessive about cleaning. Their thoughts may be very fearful about what is coming and the future looks foreboding.
Those who panic and under-prepare
Those who panic and under-prepare are those who may or may not already suffer from issues around anxiety and/or depression. Their levels of panic and anxiety are so overwhelming they are paralyzed and unable to act. In the face of crisis, they freeze, becoming helpless. They may find it hard to sleep, eat and to function in general.
Those who are calm and under-prepare
Then there are those on the other end of the spectrum – the ones who are calm and under-prepare. These tend to be people who may be in denial about what is going on around them, who may find it very difficult to take seriously that which may be too challenging for them to accept. These might also be people who have a sense of false security and who fail to follow the advice of the health authorities, believing that bad things will happen to other people, not to them.
Those who are calm and prepared
Finally, we find those who are calm and prepared. These are people who are rational and cautious, able to take informed decisions. They may feel concerned about the future, yet this does not overwhelm or paralyze them, because they take steps in preparing themselves for what may come, without overdoing it. They feel secure in knowing that there are indeed areas in their lives over which they have some control and engage in conscious activities to take care of themselves and their health. They are also flexible in the ability make changes, as new realities emerge.
The reality is there is only so much we can do. There will always be some degree of uncertainty and some areas in our lives over which we do not have control. Let us do the best we can and reach out to other people who are also struggling. Let us face uncertainty collectively. We will get through this together.
The team at Maia Psychology Centre is still here to support you through online therapy. Book your appointment now and benefit from a discounted fee for the first two sessions. Offer valid for the month of April.